Dating estonian guy

Dating estonian guy

What’s It Like Dating Estonian Women? Estonia has the largest number of models per capita. If that doesn’t send you looking for a dating estonian guy to Tallinn, I don’t know what will.

But dating Estonian women can be tricky for a foreigner. The culture is very different from anything you have seen in the West which makes for some truly awkward situations. But you are in luck because I am here to spill all the details on what dating Estonian women is actually like. Will that make you immune from weird and funny East meets West situations? I sure hope so, so let’s jump in. A Nation Of Introverts Estonians, girls especially, are quiet and reserved people.

They don’t appreciate small talk as much as Westerners do. In fact, what you might consider friendly small talk in the U. Talking too much is a flaw in this culture, and silence is not awkward. This puts you in a weird situation, especially when you first start dating your Estonian girl. She doesn’t mind just hanging out without mindless babbling but you might. To be honest, the first few dates are a bit torturous because normal signs of interest or lack thereof don’t apply.

You might have spent an hour of your first outing just sipping your coffee in silence but that doesn’t mean the date was a fail or that she is cold and uninterested. Let’s get comfortable with silence’ boot camp. You Are Expected To Take The Lead When Dating Estonian Women Unlike most Western women, Estonian girls are not obsessed with their independence. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they are some badass chicks that do just fine on their own but they do enjoy chivalry and definitely expect you to take the lead. This includes conversations, plans, and even setting the pace of the relationship.

When you are out with your girl she will expect you to pick the place. It is seen as very bad form to show up at a date and have no idea where you two are going. Pick a nice restaurant, make a reservation, and then pick her up. We will walk around and pick one we like’, that puts her in the uncomfortable position of having to choose for you. The same rule applies to conversations. Dating Estonian women can become unexpectedly dull if you expect her to initiate conversation.

It shouldn’t be mindless small talk but that doesn’t mean you have to spend your entire date in silence. Dating Estonian Women Means Traditional Values All The Way Once you start dating Estonian women you will soon notice just how traditional they are. I know in the minds of many European girls might be the synonym of sexual liberation but that is only true in the West. Eastern European women are very conservative still. The physical part of the relationship might not come as soon as you expect it to. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule like there are EVERYWHERE in the world.

Some are even saving themselves for marriage, and the number of those is larger than you might expect. Respect her decision and don’t push her. You will soon find that although they are gentle, Estonian girls stand their ground and if you insist on physical intimacy too soon you soon get branded a womanizer. And that is not a good identifier when you are dating Estonian women.