Estonian latvian relations

Estonian latvian relations

Both countries are full members of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, NATO and the European Union. There are 15 bilateral agreements between the 2 countries many of them signed trilaterally with Lithuania. The three Baltic countries signed a trilateral defence agreement on 12 Estonian latvian relations 1995.

The Republic of Estonia celebrates its 100th anniversary. Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U. Find the closest American Space in Estonia where you can connect with the U. Bilateral relations between Estonia and the United States of America have been steady and strong since  the Republic of Estonia declared its independence. The United States recognised the Republic of Estonia on July 28, 1922. The first Estonian diplomatic mission to the United States was commenced in the same year.

It continued its activities throughout the illegal occupation of Estonia by the Soviet Union from 1940 to 1991. The government of the United States of America recognised the Estonian diplomatic mission as the legal representative of the Republic of Estonia. The United States reopened its Embassy in Tallinn on September 4, 1991, soon after the restoration of Estonia’s de facto independence on August 20, 1991. Since then, the development of relations between the two countries has been constructive and stable. As a result of its global political and economic impact, the United States is one of the most important partners of Estonia. The bilateral relations are strong, which is corroborated by the dialogue between the countries in several matters of great importance to Estonia as well as to the United States. Since March 29, 2004, Estonia is a member state of NATO, which signifies a strengthened allied relationship between Estonia and other members of the alliance, including the United States.

The decision to accept Estonia as a member of NATO was reached at the summit in Prague in 2002. The role of the United States in shaping of this decision was decisive. The Senate unanimously ratified Estonia’s accession to NATO on May 8, 2003. Both countries are focused on work to enhance the economic cooperation that declined slightly in 2013. This is the official website of the U.

External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. The Republic of Estonia gained its independence from the Russian Empire on 24 February 1918 and established diplomatic relations with many countries via membership of the League of Nations. Since regaining independence, Estonia has pursued a foreign policy of close cooperation with Western European nations. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves and President George W. The two most important policy objectives in this regard have been accession into NATO and the European Union, achieved in March and May 2004 respectively.

An important element in Estonia’s post-independence reorientation has been closer ties with the Nordic countries, especially Finland and Sweden. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union Estonia had hoped for the return of more than 2,000 square kilometers of territory annexed to Russia after World War II in 1945. After signing the border treaty by the corresponding foreign minister in 2005, it was ratified by the Estonian government and president. The Russian side interpreted the preamble as giving Estonia a possibility for future territorial claim, and Vladimir Putin notified Estonia that Russia will not consider these. Negotiations were reopened in 2012 and the Treaty was signed in February 2014. Estonia established diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan on 27 May 1992. Uruguay was among the countries that refused to recognize the Soviet occupation of the Baltic countries.

Uruguay re-recognised Estonia’s independence on 28 August 1991. Estonia and Uruguay established diplomatic relations on 30 September 1992. Estonia is represented in Uruguay through an honorary consulate in Montevideo. As of February 2012, Estonia has not established diplomatic relations with three countries: North Korea, Sudan, and Myanmar.